03 June 2008


The last week or so we have been rather busy and didn't write anything... We had company, friends of my friends Ben and Casey, who are on a trip around the world. Yeah, their life sucks ;) Then we moved friday to Tiwanaku where there is no internet. Wes and I are in La Paz today for visa purposes, again. We were told to pick up something yesterday, and it wasn't ready (surprise, surprise), so we have to get it right about now! Hopefully that will be the end of the visa problems... I told Wes we need to write something more substantial tonight, but I figured I'd post this first in case we never write anything else. Today is Wes' birthday so we are going back to the Argentinian restaurant.

In the meantime, I am leaving the link to Drew and Erin's blog about their stay in Bolivia where you can see pictures of us and know we are alive! http://drewanderin.blogspot.com/2008/06/bolivia.html

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cibol! wes est rendu slim... vive le régime bolivien!!!